Spend Valentine's Day with your Horse

Heart hands around horse neck

This Valentine’s Day, show your horse some extra love! Your horse deserves to be celebrated on this special occasion. Though they may not be able to have chocolate and flowers, there are absolutely some additional ways to show your horse extra appreciation and love this Valentine’s Day! 


Extra Treat Day

Valentine's Day is usually associated with candy and sweets, and our horses deserve a treat day too. Whether your horse’s favorite special treat is apples, carrots, etc., let them indulge on this special day! Just as us humans deserve to have a cheat day every once in a while, our horses do too. Treat yourself and your horse by enjoying your favorite treat with them! This is a great way to bond with your animal and a way to show them extra love with their favorite special treat. For horses with IR, you can cut a hay cube in half, and now you have two cookies! Another option is a handful of peanuts in the shell (boiled/salted) from the grocery store. Both of these options are great low-carb treats!


Two horseback riders

Go on a Special Ride Together

Do you and your horse have a favorite place to ride? Valentine’s day is the perfect time to plan and schedule a special outdoor date with your horse. Take them on a ride through a beautiful scenic landscape! Enjoy this opportunity to take in the views and spend time with your special friend. Even if your horse doesn't enjoy long rides, you can take them on a gentle walk or a jump session. This is a great way to get your horse exercise, all while spending time with them. This Valentines Day, plan that extra time to spend with your horse. Getting outside and enjoying nature is therapeutic and can have plenty of benefits for both of you!


Extra Grooming Day

Who doesn’t love to be spoiled once in a while? Treat your horse to a pamper day! Give your horse a good shampoo, brush, and groom. Don’t forget to take care of their hooves as well. If your horse enjoys being brushed, spend a little extra time brushing them. This is guaranteed to make them feel appreciated! Having an extra special grooming day will leave your horse smelling and feeling great, plus you will feel happy and accomplished as well! An extra grooming day is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your animal. 


Horse in a blanket

Buy Them a Gift

Have you been eyeing up any new accessories for yourself or your horse? Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to splurge on a gift from both of you! There are plenty of fun treats and toys on the market that can show your appreciation for your animal. Other ideas are accessories such as blankets and saddles. You could even buy them new grooming products! Next, treat yourself to some new riding apparel and accessories. Get yourself some new boots or supplies that you have been wanting. This is a great way to treat yourself and your horse on this special day!


Two horses hugging

Playdate with Horse Friends

Another special activity you can do with your horse is to plan a playdate! Grab some friends and spend the day together, just you and your horses. If you know and trust that your horses get along well, this could be a very meaningful activity to do on Valentine’s day. You can go for a ride together, simply hangout and talk, or even enjoy some food! This is a great way to incorporate friends into your Valentine’s day with your horse. This is also a great time for your horse to socialize, which is essential for their learning and growth!

This Valentine’s Day, it is important to spend quality time with yourself, your loved ones, and your animals. The activities listed above will ensure that you have a relaxing and special Valentine’s day with your beloved horse. As always, there truly is no better gift to give your horse than to keep them in the best health possible. If you notice any health issues with your horse while you’re spending this Valentine’s Day together, make sure to head to our website and check out the supplements we have available. We also offer complimentary consultations to help identify what the best supplements for your horse would be!